Feeling time poor and a little under the weather? Maybe it’s some of your habits that are letting you down. In this blog we visit 3 healthy habits that are simple, easy, and sustainable which can be used as a foundation of living a healthy lifestyle with more energy and ease. With years of working in the health and wellness industry I have had countless sessions with clients that develop ways to establish healthy habits in their lives. These aren’t just any habits; these habits are ones that are simple, sustainable and functional which have the ability to increase energy and output all at the same time. We first make our habits, then our habits make us’ – John Dryden It’s one thing to have healthy habits, however it’s the effect of what having such a habit brings to your life that can help you to achieve your lifestyle goals with less stress and more ease. Being busy is no excuse, and if you are one who finds themselves bogged down with constant commitments and demands then that is all the more reason to create a foundation that does just that. Here are 3 Healthy Habit Hacks to increase your energy and productivity that you can easily squeeze into an already busy life. Healthy Habit Hack 1 : Drink Water A great way to increase your energy and productivity is to stay hydrated. Starting your day already hydrated and replenishing the fluids lost over your nights rest I believe is pivotal to healthy living. What I notice in Winter is that we can forget to drink water. Having heaters and layers of clothing on at night, often we can have a tendency to dehydrate more than usual without realizing it because we aren’t sweating. So when I wake in the morning I like to drink a glass of water straight away. Then to help in staying hydrated and energized throughout my day I will take a bottle with me wherever I go. This helps me to measure what I consume, and hold me more accountable. I even get to the degree of creating points in my day where I have a deadline for what I drink if I find myself off course. So whether its having a glass on the kitchen bench that you make sure you finish before you leave the house, or your at work for the day and you make sure you complete your full bottle of water before finishing. Setting up these actions and accountabilities are a great way to instill discipline and consistent action and leave you with more vitality in your day. Healthy Habit Hack 2 : Meal Prep It’s one thing to exercise every day to live a healthy lifestyle and increase your productivity, however where I see a lot of people fall short is their meals and food choices, especially when they are on the run. A great way to get around this is to meal prep. By having a meal plan and pre-preparing your meals will mean that you will have a healthy meal a lot of the time and it will save you time and money. Even adding some healthy spices to your meals can also help to get your metabolism firing. Another great tip is to have healthy snacks on you wherever you go so that your less inclined to grab something unhealthy when your on the run. Healthy Habit Hack 3 : Catch some Zen This is one of the most under-utilised actions for a lot of people, especially if you’re one who can get caught in the busyness cycle. Often by being busy and not allowing yourself to fully wind down and relax you can exhaust your adrenal glands, which can lead to fatigue. Although you may feel productive initially, it’s not the healthiest of fuels to live off because it does burn out and produce stress hormones that can have a negative effect on the brain and body. By taking time to relax and stabilize your energy stores you are giving yourself the best chance to recover and function at an optimal level. This also includes making sure you get enough shuteye every night (research suggests at least 8 hours a night), and make time in your day to recharge and restore your body, mind, and spirit. There you have it team, 3 simple, sustainable, healthy habit hacks that can increase your energy and productivity.
Want to now more? The Organised Life Project has an amazing 12 weeks to clutter free living program that can help you to create a lifestyle of less stress, and more ease whilst making time for what matters. Click the link below to find out how you can start your journey to a healthier and more organised life today. Nicole x
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March 2023